Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Question #1 "Rite of Passage"

My great grandmother's name is Helen Swan. She is very important to me and to my family, especially my dad, she practically raised him. We used to go to her house every single day. That was also when we lived right down the street from her. She is a very gentle and caring person. My grandma let her daughter and great grandson move in with her when they didn't have a place to stay. She would always take me shopping or to the park. There is a park really close to her house called penguin park. That was my favorite place to go. My grandma has helped take care of me and my family. When we got sick and couldn't go to school, she was there to let us come to her house and make us soup. My grandma and I had fun together, before I grew up and we moved far away from her house.

My grandma could cook the best food ever. My brother and I used to ride our bikes to her house and she would always cook us lunch and give us a soda, then double stuff Oreos of course. She is very important to my family because she is eighty seven years old, which is the oldest living person in my family. Also because she is the most loving person always wanting to sit and talk to someone. She has much knowledge from being around so many years now. The only bad thing is she smokes like a chimney. Who would of thought? Smoked cigarettes her whole life and she is still up and going.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savanna,

    Thank you for sharing. You are able to provide explicit details about your Grandma (ex. double stuffed Oreos). Maintain this sort of detail in your future responses. Would it be possible for your next response to focus solely on one moment -- sharing with the readers -- a moment when she made you lunch?
