Thursday, September 9, 2010

Question #1 "On Becoming a Chicano"

My racial identity is caucasian. I think that this identity is slowly becoming the minority right now and that is kind of scary to me personally. When I walk into a room that is full of black people or mexicans I feel somewhat intimidated. Me being a white girl, older black men always say something to me. Mexicans also do too. If i were to go to an all mexican or all black school, I would probably be very scared and intimidated. I have walked in down town Kansas City by myself and guys would holler inapropriate guestures at me, and so I started walking faster. I am a red head also and my mom always told me older mexicans like those red heads. So I would be at a gas station or something and they would whistle. It really creeps me out.

My experiences are somewhat similar to Rodriguez because when he went in a room with all white people he felt over powered too. He was the minority and everyone looked at him weird. Also he couldn't even speak english when he first went so it was probably alot harder for him to try to enter the white or "gringo" culture after being a Chicano for so long. I think that it is less likely now days for people to feel excluded because of their race, but it still does happen sometimes. I also think that it is alot different because Rodriguez is a guy so we dont share all of the same experiences. Rodriguez's are more based on his english speaking abilities and just his race basically. Mine experiences are mostly because I am a female, not just because I am a white female, although that is a big part of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savanna,

    Unfortunately, there are bad people in every community, not just one race. It would not be fair to say that all Mexican-Americans would whistle at you or all African Americans who might do the same. There are a good number of white individuals who would do the same. I hope that you understand that. I think you feel this way because you grew up in a small community and were subjected to such views (e.g. not that I am claiming these are right or wrong).

    I too grew up in a small community where racism was and still is prevalent. Unfortunately, these views are being reinforced.

    Rodriquez is viewed as many things: a gringo, a Chicano, a Chicano intellectual, etc. How does he feel?
