Monday, October 25, 2010

What does a college degree mean to me and to american society?

It is alot of hard work to get a college degree. Sometimes people get theirs in two years and some people it takes 7 years to get the degree they set out to get. A college degree to me, means that you have been to college and taken the courses you needed to in order for you to better yourself in the feild you were learing in. To have a college degree doesn't necesarily mean you are smarter or better than anyone else, it simply means you went to school further than a person with a high school degree. In some cases, yes people with a college degree are usually smarter than a person who just has their high school diploma. In the work force having a college degree is a very big deal. If you were to apply for a job as an assistant manager, for example, and you have a college degree, and the other person that applied for the job also only has their high school diploma, you are way more likely to get the job. Not all of it is based on whether or not you have a degree because the other person could know alot more about the feild they are trying to get into even though they dont have a college degree. They could also present themselves better than you do and they could end up getting the job. I think having a college degree is definently something you would need if you are trying to make alot of money or get a good job, and keep that job.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savanna,

    Is this something that you intend on continuing for Task Three? If so, you could easily compare and contrast your experience with your father's. If you choose to do so, which essay(s) might you use?

    Ms. C
