Friday, December 10, 2010

Formal Review of English 100

My reading and writing practices were not changed alot during English 100. When I would write papers before this class I usually made an outline, then my rough draft, then I would write my final draft. Which is the same process I used in this class. I think I have become a better writer because my papers are alot better structured now that I got help making an outline of where everything should go in my paper, even though there isnt just one correct way to do it, this helped me alot. The blog has made me try to write more thoroughly because when we write on here we have to look back and correct our mistakes becuase it doesn't correct them for us, and also we had to write 250 words every time so that made me think of more things I could write about or make something that I did write about more detailed. I liked having the blog in this reading and writing course because doing our homework on this is alot easier than having to print something off every time we have class, and it wasn't due until midnight of that day, so if we forgot to do something we could still get it done that day after class. The blog is similar to a journal because you can write anything you want, and feelings you have and then your teacher will respond to it. Which would be the same if we were to write a journal and then turn it in to our teacher.

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